Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Old technique, new twist

I really like this idea. First because I still really love the physical aspect of film. Not what you see but the one one that you can touch. It is something that I really miss from my first job in motion Pictures, back when Pacific Title still existed. there were only few computers but still a lot of noisy machines that dealt with film. My goof friend Mark Freund was my supervisor then, he was always looking at film print and tell us how much color we needed to add or remove.
As much as I am a digital addict and love computer, there will be always a place in my heart for film.
Second, I enjoy when people mix technique like these, it is an effect that has been seen a lot but revisited in an interesting way.

LONDON GRAMMAR - Wasting My Young Years - Behind The Scenes from Academy Plus (A+) on Vimeo.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

R.I.P Ray Harryhausen 1920 -2013

"I'm very happy that so many young fans have told me that my films have changed their lives. That's a great compliment. It means I did more than just make entertaining films. I actually touched people's lives -- and, I hope, changed them for the better." - Ray Harryhausen

I remember seeing Sinbad (1958) and Jason and the Argonauts (1963) on an old 16 mm projector. I can't remember if it was my dad or someone else that set it up, but I remember that I got hooked right away. Since then I always loved fantasy movies... still do! :)

Kathrine Switzer - boston marathon 1967

I Love Superheroes: Wonderwoman

"In 1967, Kathrine Switzer was the first woman to run the Boston marathon. After realizing that a woman was running, race organizer Jock Semple went after Switzer shouting, “Get the hell out of my race and give me those numbers.” However, Switzer’s boyfriend and other male runners provided a protective shield during the entire marathon.The photographs taken of the incident made world headlines, and Kathrine later won the NYC marathon with a time of 3:07:29." (via kateoplis)Wiki
 I'm always amazed to realize that things like that happened not long ago.